Tuesday, March 31, 2009


4 day Curise to Catalina and Ensanada for our anniversary. We left out of SanDiego Harbor. It was a little windy! Look we even got some sun! Color!

Taking a little boat to Catalina from the Cruise Ship. We went golfing and cruised the beach side street. We also went on a glass botton boat. Fish!

Fish! Fish! Fish!

Ensanada Mexico...I was a little nervous to get off the ship..so Dan convinced me again to go golfing. He golfed, I rode in the golf cart and got a sunburn. The view was fantastic! We had a great day! Dan golfed with a pro and loved every minute of it. The best part was the authentic lunch (beans, rice and a burrito!)

It was the best! I love you Dan and am so glad you picked me 23 years ago! There is more to come......This story doesn't end!>


Karrie said...

Fun! I am jealous of your color. Looks like a good trip, will have to put it on my list of "things to do", in the "when the kids get lots older" category.

Lifes Great Adventures said...

I am glad you had a good time, happy anniversary! We went on the glass boat while we were on our cruise in Catalina & Ensenada. There was so many big pretty fish. I am jeolous that you went on a cruise, but happy for you guys!

HeRoosSheRoos said...

Congratulations! I love hearing about couples that have married for a long time and are still in love. :)