Thursday, July 31, 2008

Family Vacation 2008

It is always a treat to get away and spend time with the ones you love. This year Dan and the kids were able to go to Idaho for a week right as Dallin was finishing his semester up at BYU-I. They enjoyed being in the Idaho Mountains, fishing, swimming, hiking and just seeing the things they love. One of our favorite things to do is to climb down into Bloomington Lake. This year Dallin, Nathan, and Sarah actually hiked from Idaho(Willow Flats) over the mountain range into Bloomington lake. They then slid down the Glacier into the lake. They even jumped off the cliffs there into the cold lake. They went 4-wheeling and fishing too.Another favorite is to drive over to Bear lake and get a Raspberry Milk Shake.

I joined the party 10 days later after completing Girls Camp. We spent one day at the lake and broke the boat. So that was not too fun. The next day we drove to Logan to start our missionary preperatons for Dallin. Dallin would prefer not to shop and it was a long day. We ended it with a pizza dinner down at the Pizza Factory below Gia's and a malted shake at the Casper plant in Richmond. It was a good Day!

We headed to Midway a few days early because we learned that Grandma Prost was not good. Upon arriving the next day we admitted her to the hospital. It has been a long week. Dan and the boys left on Sunday for Home. The boys started football on monday So they needed to go. Sarah and I stayed to help Grandma. After a week now Grandma came home. We will be here a little while until she is good to go on her own. She is very tired and weak. Our Father in Heaven has blessed her though. Tuesday night while staying with mom in the Hospital i get a phone call from Ben saying they were coming to visit. I insisted it was too late. He said no he was bringing Sarah into the ER... She had cut her hand open on a barbed wire fence and it needed stiches. It did. 6 Stiches later and 1:30am we were back in bed in Midway. Mom had a so-so night ant the next day she finally came home. We are hopeful and happy to have her back. So we can't do any vactions without going to the ER somehow.

It has made me think how blessed we are as a family. We each have trials, but it is the way we handle these trials. Are we happy and accept what comes are way? Yes, We need to be, We owe all to the Father and his Son, We are only trying to live rightously to return to their presence some day, the way in which we handle our trials proves how well we will endure to the end. It has been a different vacation that is for sure, but we have been with the people we love and that is all that matters.

One of the best parts of the vaction was attending the temple with our first Son, Dallin. On Saturday, July 26, 2008 Dallin received his endowments in the Provo Temple. It was a beautiful day. Grandma and Grandpa Swainston, Grandpa Prost, Uncle Mark, Uncle Joe and Aunt Marsha were there along with Cousin, TJ and good friends Cheryl and Drew Burton. Sarah, Daniel, Nathan and friend Jon Burton waited outside by going to the mall. Dallin has grown alot. This mission will be great for him, he will grow even more. Congratulations Dallin! We love you!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

To day is the Birthday of our nation, but even more important it is the Birthday of our Mandy Pandy! She has grown into a beautiful woman, now at the age of 21. I remember not too long ago when she was totally dependent upon her father and myself. Now she asks for advice and sometimes even takes it. We love her so much. She is all I wanted to be, but never was. They say your children will most likely be better than you. Well She is and more. We can't believe how blest we are to have her as our daughter. She is my best friend! Happy Birthday Mandy!

We will continue to watch you change and enjoy every minute of it! Have a great year Mandy, and never forget that you are a daughter of God. He loves you as much as we do. Make this world a better place, we know you will! Love you, Mom and Dad