Monday, March 9, 2009

March Madness

Yes, I believe March came in like a lion. So hopefully it goes out like a lamb. We are off to another wild month. We are still in limbo on the fact of curing Dallin and getting him off to Puerto Rico. We pray this status will change soon. Mandy surprised us this weekend and came home to go skiing. Isn't that Ironic? Ski in California where she had apple snow fall in Idaho to ski there. It was a great Weekend! All smiles and laughs! We all needed some time together! We headed to the green hills of the San Juaqin Valley the weekend before and shot a few clay pigeons for fun. Dallin tried to kill a Badger, but they are fast critters and dug his way out of that mess as soon as he heard the bullet fly past his head. Sorry Dallin maybe next time. We learned that Sarah shoots with her left hand and that Daniel has the talent of throwing clay pigeons. Nathan will watch a Badger hole for hours if his brother tells him too. What love and dedication! Oh the things we do!

Tucker, the new lab, loved every minute outside with the family. If only he would come when we call his name. I hope he learns it soon. The month will produce a Church Prom and anniversays, and birthdays. We hope all goes well and that we have a soft landing by month end.

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