We had a great time doing those things that only girls enjoy. Carla and I first started the weekend by attending a session in the Scarmento Temple. It was beautiful! I fell in love with the entire experience. From driving up the small hill to the lush landscape, to the waterfall in front of the temple and the beautiful ettched glass to the beautiful murals on the wall inside. We enjoyed every minute there.

The next moring we leasurly awoke, dressed and found ourselves eating breakfast to fuel our bodies for a long, fun-filled day. We then parked ourselves at a nail shop and got pedicures for our beautiful feet. The seats we set in proved to ease all our aches and pains from sleeping on the floor and couch the night before. Mandy had to watch the little asian man who was working on her feet. We all felt he was a little creepy asking too many questons and putting her chair on vibrate. hahaha
Then we were off to IKEA a fun store! Yes we spent plenty of time and money there. Buying the perfect items to supply our home with. Next on to San Francisco! It was so crowded! Ouch too many people. We picked our way through the crowds and had a great time. Sight Seeing and shopping. Trying on funny hats and glasses and catching in all the sights. From Sliver and gold men to the sealions sleeping on the docks. Our Favorite was theClamChowder in a sourdough Bread bowl from Boudin's. It was a day worth remembering. Too bad the boys weren't there, but thats okay. You only get a day at a time with your girls! I love them to pieces! They change everyday! Better models than the one they have in me!

Then we were off to IKEA a fun store! Yes we spent plenty of time and money there. Buying the perfect items to supply our home with. Next on to San Francisco! It was so crowded! Ouch too many people. We picked our way through the crowds and had a great time. Sight Seeing and shopping. Trying on funny hats and glasses and catching in all the sights. From Sliver and gold men to the sealions sleeping on the docks. Our Favorite was theClamChowder in a sourdough Bread bowl from Boudin's. It was a day worth remembering. Too bad the boys weren't there, but thats okay. You only get a day at a time with your girls! I love them to pieces! They change everyday! Better models than the one they have in me!

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