Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 has arrived!

A new year has surely come to the Swainston home, I'm just not sure if I like they way the new year rolled in. As you might all remember that last year when the month of January came, I had my share of strange events involving my health. Well all I can say is that Juanary has come again and yes it seems to be that we are experiencing the same sort of things.

Our first event was that of our missionary, Dallin. He returned home because of some health issues. We thought it was his gallbladder and have come to the conclusion after many tests and even getting sick at home that "yes" it is the Gallbladder and they will take it out on Friday! Boy the things you have to do to find out you are really sick!

Upon coming home and becoming missionaries( the entire family is Dallin's companion)We started the daunting task of taking many tests. One day while fufilling the need for nourishment, Dallin and myself went to get something to eat. "Yes" the worst happened, we were contaminated with a form of disentary. "Camphloybactera" Dallin because of the tests he took and a collon clense, happened to pass by the worst of it, as for myself I was caught with my pants down and got really sick. Two IV's later and some good drugs we are both rid of the pest. So that has started the new year out. We are still progressing forward, But I would really like to get back to normal....I am not sure what that is anymore.

1 comment:

M said...

oh no!
i'm glad everyone is doing better and dallin was able to go back out on his mission.
i just love your family!