Yes that part of our lives has started again, well actually I don't think it ever stops...just the part of spending every Thursday and Friday totally involved with the team. We love every minute of it. This year is a little different. We have been at Liberty for years watching Dallin and Daniel play ball, but this year Nathan has joined the ranks but at Frontier. Yes it seems really weird, but Nathan has worked hard to have a starting position. so each week we go to Frontier on Thursday nights and then to Liberty on Friday nights. By the way both boys have their Dad's old number "61"
Daniel is a starting offensive lineman (I know I should actually know the position but I don't) and is one of the team captains. He is doing great! We are excited for him and his possibilities. We have heard from a couple of Universities and are hopeful someone will pay for his food bill in the future.(hahaha)
Dan is their biggest fan! He brings a cow bell that is well worn and known by all. In fact some prefer not to sit by him because he is too loud. But he doesn't care, He wants the teams to know when they are great!

We love our boys, not only for their talents, but for their strong values they share with their team members. They are not afraid to stand for the right, to be honest, and to show itegrity. They will succeed no matter what, even if they lose a football game. They are like the stripling warriors. Ready to stand, to be steadfast and immovable. Go Patriots! Go Titans!