Friday, November 21, 2008

Football, Football, Football

I know this sounds redundant, but yes one more coment about football. Who knows you might get two more coments...It seems to never stop(I mean this football season) We are off to our first playoff game today. We travel to Fresno, CA( 2 hours away) to play the #2 seated team, Clovis West. We played them our first game(practice) this fall and lost by 2 points at the end. We are hoping to change that so that our Thanksgiving won't be in vain. I once again with my good football moms, fed 90 players and coaches last night(thinking that last week was the last week). It is amazing how much food, growing boys can put away.

We are all just a little tense today...That is a good sign...That means we know we have to work hard to get what we want. I was thinking just yesterday...We have watched this group of boys play together for the last 7 years. They are all good boys that come from good families. They deserve just a little glory.. the paper makes them up to be a losing team, but they have a good heart and are good. I know they can do it...They just have to want it badly enough.

Sarah....She is changing daily!

I find the time is going by so fast. Sarah only has 6 months and she will turn 12 and that makes things a lot different in our home. Sarah started to play soccer this fall and she is so fun to watch. She was invited to try out for Spring Select. She did good at the try outs and even had a coach from a club team come up to me and ask if she would be interested in playing for him. Yesterday the same man called our home and asked us again. I am not sure if we want all that just yet. This weekend She is playing in the fall tournament for AYSO. We will spend the day at the soccer field. It has been fun for her. During the season, as she was playing the goalie, a girld kicked her finger and broke it. I thought "no it can't be broke, just a dislocation"...but sure enough it was broken. She would tape it up and still continue to play. We didn't tell the doctor that we kept playing.

Sarah has a great friend, Mckenzie White. They hang out together all the time. Their latest escapade was Halloween. They went to two different parties together and a spook alley. What fun to be had!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What does Dan really do in China?

I finally decided to upload some pictures of what Dan really does in China. I know we think he just goes shopping, but he really just eats the food. He's secretly creating a Eating tour for anyone that wants to eat bugs, and heads, and eye balls, etc. Enjoy! If you have questions call him.

He does work though, It looks a little boring to me.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thoughts on life as it is....

Wow life can throw you all kinds of different balls. Some of these balls are good and some are bad like in the game. How do you Swing? Do you just kind of tap it or do you put your whole heart and soul into the swing and give it your all, not matter the outcome?

Well I have decided to swing with all I have because you really only get one shot at each ball. Why not give it your all!

1. Proposition 8 Without a doubt that is a "yes" for me and my family. There is nothing more important than saving the core unit of society...the Family! The world wasn't made with two men or two women together...It was made with one man and one woman (together). California and the world needs to realize the importance of this sacred calling! Get out and Vote..Vote 'Yes" on Prop. 8.

2. Sending a missionary off. Boy my heart! (as tears come to my eyes this very moment) Yes I am swininging hard. I have never prayed so hard and steadfast in my life. Just not knowing every minute if your Child is okay is a hard thing. (Even though I know he is) I am mostly praying for him to be able to learn a new language and have the spirit to teach the gospel. I have the faith that the Lord will bless him, if he puts his whole heart and soul into this great experience that will increase his testimony of this great work. "Faith without works is dead.."

3. Being Prepared. That is the hardest swing. Prepared Phycially. Prepared Mentally. Prepared Spiritually. Prepared Financially. A reality check is here. After hearing about the death of a dear Bishop in Idaho. Dan and I both stopped and said are we ready to meet the Savoir? We always have more to do.... That is the great part of this great plan. The learning and growing never ceases. We can always become better. It's all about our attitude. We as a family are united. In Docterine and Covenants 38:27 is says "If ye are not one ye are not mine." We are univid in purpose and action. We will face many challenges in our life, but together we'll grow in love and understanding as we work together or in other words, "hit the ball!"

Game day is here...I don't think we'll loose...No infact we'll win! Go Team!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Football Season

Yes that part of our lives has started again, well actually I don't think it ever stops...just the part of spending every Thursday and Friday totally involved with the team. We love every minute of it. This year is a little different. We have been at Liberty for years watching Dallin and Daniel play ball, but this year Nathan has joined the ranks but at Frontier. Yes it seems really weird, but Nathan has worked hard to have a starting position. so each week we go to Frontier on Thursday nights and then to Liberty on Friday nights. By the way both boys have their Dad's old number "61"

Daniel is a starting offensive lineman (I know I should actually know the position but I don't) and is one of the team captains. He is doing great! We are excited for him and his possibilities. We have heard from a couple of Universities and are hopeful someone will pay for his food bill in the future.(hahaha)

Dan is their biggest fan! He brings a cow bell that is well worn and known by all. In fact some prefer not to sit by him because he is too loud. But he doesn't care, He wants the teams to know when they are great!

We love our boys, not only for their talents, but for their strong values they share with their team members. They are not afraid to stand for the right, to be honest, and to show itegrity. They will succeed no matter what, even if they lose a football game. They are like the stripling warriors. Ready to stand, to be steadfast and immovable. Go Patriots! Go Titans!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Taking a Family picture

Will taking a family picture ever get easy? That is my biggest question!

Sending off a Missionary

So it has finally happened...We have sent our first missionary off into that big world. (just to the Provo MTC, and in two months to Puerto Rico) It was a great experience. I was worried that it might be awful, but after arriving and having spent the last three days with Dallin, we were ready to say our goodbyes and get on with the unknown. Dan and I both felt so good as we left Dallin in Provo. Dallin left with just a small tear in his eye and a big smile saying " a peice of cake, Mom... I'll be just fine."

We were able to spend three days with him and listen to all his thoughts. He is ready to serve. We know he'll do a great job. We recieved a short note on Tuesday saying that in 3 days he had already had 3 years of high school spanish. He is able to (in broken spanish) bare his testimony and say a short prayer. He was made a district leader the first night. It was a short note because his P-day is on Wednesdays and will write us more later. Dad called me yesterday and said that when he arrived at the temple, Dallin was there waiting for him to do sealings with 3 other Elders. So that might be neat for him to see Grandpa for the next couple of weeks while in the temple.

We are trying to be missionary minded now more than ever. We had the Elders for dinner on Monday and it seems I am always talking about Dallin and our experience while in Provo. We share it with all our friends. We will write and wait for letters weekly. one week down just 103 more to go.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Family Vacation 2008

It is always a treat to get away and spend time with the ones you love. This year Dan and the kids were able to go to Idaho for a week right as Dallin was finishing his semester up at BYU-I. They enjoyed being in the Idaho Mountains, fishing, swimming, hiking and just seeing the things they love. One of our favorite things to do is to climb down into Bloomington Lake. This year Dallin, Nathan, and Sarah actually hiked from Idaho(Willow Flats) over the mountain range into Bloomington lake. They then slid down the Glacier into the lake. They even jumped off the cliffs there into the cold lake. They went 4-wheeling and fishing too.Another favorite is to drive over to Bear lake and get a Raspberry Milk Shake.

I joined the party 10 days later after completing Girls Camp. We spent one day at the lake and broke the boat. So that was not too fun. The next day we drove to Logan to start our missionary preperatons for Dallin. Dallin would prefer not to shop and it was a long day. We ended it with a pizza dinner down at the Pizza Factory below Gia's and a malted shake at the Casper plant in Richmond. It was a good Day!

We headed to Midway a few days early because we learned that Grandma Prost was not good. Upon arriving the next day we admitted her to the hospital. It has been a long week. Dan and the boys left on Sunday for Home. The boys started football on monday So they needed to go. Sarah and I stayed to help Grandma. After a week now Grandma came home. We will be here a little while until she is good to go on her own. She is very tired and weak. Our Father in Heaven has blessed her though. Tuesday night while staying with mom in the Hospital i get a phone call from Ben saying they were coming to visit. I insisted it was too late. He said no he was bringing Sarah into the ER... She had cut her hand open on a barbed wire fence and it needed stiches. It did. 6 Stiches later and 1:30am we were back in bed in Midway. Mom had a so-so night ant the next day she finally came home. We are hopeful and happy to have her back. So we can't do any vactions without going to the ER somehow.

It has made me think how blessed we are as a family. We each have trials, but it is the way we handle these trials. Are we happy and accept what comes are way? Yes, We need to be, We owe all to the Father and his Son, We are only trying to live rightously to return to their presence some day, the way in which we handle our trials proves how well we will endure to the end. It has been a different vacation that is for sure, but we have been with the people we love and that is all that matters.

One of the best parts of the vaction was attending the temple with our first Son, Dallin. On Saturday, July 26, 2008 Dallin received his endowments in the Provo Temple. It was a beautiful day. Grandma and Grandpa Swainston, Grandpa Prost, Uncle Mark, Uncle Joe and Aunt Marsha were there along with Cousin, TJ and good friends Cheryl and Drew Burton. Sarah, Daniel, Nathan and friend Jon Burton waited outside by going to the mall. Dallin has grown alot. This mission will be great for him, he will grow even more. Congratulations Dallin! We love you!